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  • Writer's pictureFrancisco Gajardo

Static Visualization: Final Version

Following the last post on this topic, after the sketches were made, a last version of the final sketch was obtained. This version can be seen here below and it is a much more detailed drawing of what we expected from our visualization.

An overall description of this sketch is given here with some of the ideas it involved:

-Pie charts of three levels giving information in Size, Installs and Rating of the top 10 categories.

-The size of pie charts is proportional to the amount of apps per category

-Detailed information on some Apps of particular interest like Facebook or Whatsapp

-Legends to explain the encoding used for the pie charts

Finally, once implemented, the visualization is a modified version of the sketch. Some of the features, particularly the one intended to illustrate the size distribution inside each category, were removed, but also some other features were added. For exmaple:

-Total dataset piechart

-Chart indicating the concentration level for some categories

-Detail about the percentage of data points with variables size per device

We include in this post a link to the p5 web editor version of this app

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