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  • Writer's pictureFrancisco Gajardo

One step closer: Final improvements on the Google Play Store Visualization

On this post I'll cover the changes made during this last week on the Google Play Store Visualization I've been implementng during this last month. In the previous update I mentioned the features that needed to be improved in order to obtain something similar to what was planned in the sketches, however it's important to mention that the final result will probably be different to what was initially planned due to new ideas that came through the process.

Here I ennumerate what were the last changes:

-Some style improvements were included in the Left Panel in order to make it more friendly and self-explanatory for the final user (Date labels). The counter device was improved adding a title and also extra counter which only counts the apps on the selected section of the plot (drag mouse over the section I'm interested).

-I also made some changes in the color patterns used for text and bubbles.

-I added the legend to eplain the colors used to distinguished the dots by Payment type or Content rating (Depending the option we select in the left panel).

-And finally, I implemented as planned a counting object for each section of the plot (Rating vs Size for each group of Apps by number of installs). In addition, I implemented information about average rating and average file size for every selection when we place the cursor on each of them.

-I still consider that some corrections could be made to the current implementation. However, I should take into consideration that adding too much features will result in a loss of simplicity in the UI( e.g: add selectors for payment and Content rating, add color to the blocks to make it ressemble a heat-map, etc).

I added as in previous posts a link to the visualization on the P5 web editor, however due to the differences in the final output on this editor (to correct for the final release) I also added a video where I show some of the features of the app.

NOTE: This visualization was developed testing it in a local server, the preview in the window below could have some issues due to the window format.

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